Iqbal is Two..

  • 4
Nenek Iqbal baked 40 cupcakes for Iqbal. Sweet sangat. And Mama is too lazy to ice the cuppies.

Make 40 goody pack for the fellow taska friends. Everything with sugar. Im too lazy and tak larat ok nak buat apa-apa. Just go and and pick something from the rack and pay. Lagipun tengah double parking. Nasib ada Syidah yang tolong fikirkan dan pack-kan.

Pagi ni Iqbal bangun ceria aje. Siap ambil-ambil gambar. Cuma bila sampai ke nurseri mula menangis. Sangat apakah. Tapi gua hantar cuppies and goody bags and chows jer. Keraskan hati aje lah. Nak buat macam mana.

Happy birthday Ceiqbal Sayang. Everybody loves you very much. :) And remember, you will always be my baby. Forever. :P


up on my forehead said...

you will always be my baby toooooooooooooooo

-auntie ika-

ezham said...

umairah is 4 today. birthdau iqbal n umairah selang sehari je eh.

minatgiler said...

happy birthday iqbal! :D

Fathi Syakirin Bin Othman said...

Happy Birthday To Iqbal Wafiq Bin Anuar Who Is 2 Year's Old and Still Growing Up ! Be A Kid Forever ! My Dear Nephew Like Naim Haikal Bin Mohd Kamal

In archaic terminology, a maternal nephew is called a sister-son, emphasizing the importance as a person's nearest male relative should he have no brothers or sons of his own. The term is used to describe some knights who are nephews to King Arthur and is imitated by J. R. R. Tolkien, especially in lists of Kings of Rohan or dwarves where the sister-son is also heir. Sister-daughter is a less common parallel term for niece.

Nephew is a son of one's sibling or sibling-in-law, and niece is a daughter of one's sibling or a sibling-in-law. Sons and daughters of siblings-in-law are also informally referred to as nephews and nieces respectively, even though there is no blood relation. The word nephew is derived from the French word neveu.

Nephew – son of one's brother/sister(and their spouse).
Niece – daughter of one's sister/brother(and their spouse).
Half-nephew – son of one's half-brother/half-sister.
Half-niece – daughter of one's half-brother/half-sister.
Nephew-in-law – son of one's sister-in-law/brother-in-law; husband of one's niece.
Niece-in-law – daughter of one's sister-in-law/brother-in-law; wife of one's nephew.
Step-nephew – son of one's stepbrother/sister, or stepson of one's brother/sister.
Step-niece – daughter of one's stepbrother/sister, or stepdaughter of one's brother/sister.
Half-nephew-in-law – son of one's wife/husband's half-brother/half-sister; husband of one's half-niece
Half-niece-in-law – daughter of one's wife/husband's half-brother/half-sister; wife of one's half-nephew
Step-niece-in-law – daughter of one's wife/husband's step-brother/step-sister; wife of one's step-nephew
Step-nephew-in-law – son of one's wife/husband's step-brother/step-sister; husband of one's step-niece
Great-nephew – son of one's nephew/niece, grandson of one's sister/brother.
Great-niece – daughter of one's nephew/niece, granddaughter of one's sister/brother.
Half-great-nephew – son of one's half-nephew/niece.
Half-great-niece – daughter of one's half-nephew/niece.
In archaic terminology, a maternal nephew is called a sister-son, emphasizing the importance as a person's nearest male relative should he have no brothers or sons of his own. The term is used to describe some knights who are nephews to King Arthur and is imitated by J. R. R. Tolkien, especially in lists of Kings of Rohan or dwarves where the sister-son is also heir. Sister-daughter is a less common parallel term for niece.

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Luahan pankreas cik daun yang kadang-kadang terlupa yang dia sudah jadi ibu dan isteri. Masih kadang-kdang mahu berperangai seperti zaman belajar-belajar (mentah).

Masih belajar-belajar nak jadi ibu dan isteri dan mengekalkan diri jadi anak yang call emaknya seminggu sekali dan kakak yang cool untuk adik-adiknya yang berenam.

Ok!! Saranghae!!!! (buat tangan bentuk love atas kepala)
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